My hubby! Soak and wet and having a ball!
My babies! Having more fun than they could stand!
John, Josiah, and Keeton (Happy 1st B'day! Big boy!)
The police officer who took me out on the tarmac to see it said that the 2 men on the platform were holding AK 47's (or some big guns) and that they would be looking at me to see what I was pointing at the plane. Moment of uncertainty. And then I snapped away. By the way Mom, I think my new camara takes pretty great pictures.
So we waited and waited and then they told us to go out and load our passengers. While we were loading passengers on the tarmac they told us not to drive away until they gave us the go ahead. Well, I wasn't going anywhere because there was a police car parked immediately infront of my bus. We got on our buses and waited for the go ahead and all of a sudden: AirForce One went right by us. There was maybe a 100-150 feet between our vehicles and the plane. Then it turned around and began to prepare for take off. This picture is just before take off- maybe 5 seconds before they were airborne.
And there off...........................................
Computer Science, already!?!?!
He has a never ending imagination that leads him in a million directions:
from dressing up in Mom's shoes:
the object of his curiosity: "Saint"
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