Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A New Journey!

A new journey, does that mean that the old ones ended? Or does it simply mean that one has been added? Or could it be a combination of both?

I have been inspired this morning reading a couple of other blogs (Joyful Chaos and Cheaper By the Half Dozen) to enjoy the learning and creative process I am in right now.

New journey; well our new journey is that 2 full months into homeschooling we have ordered, received and begun using the new curriculum. So far (after one whole day of using it) I love it and Mia seems to enjoy it too!

I have just been encouraged that the way I do things is perfectly ok! I can have 6 books going at one time. I can start and stop books as I see fit. I can learn about homeschooling, raising boys, horses and God all while I through a good fiction work in the middle. Guess what, surprise! All of this just might encourage my kids to love learning as much as I do! And guess what else, the way my Mom chose to do it is perfectly okay too! At least it sure gave me a love of learning that takes on many facets and even though I am 33 and haven't take an official class in several years I learn and grow daily and use all of that knowledge in some form or fashion!

Thank you Lord, for teaching me that I can do things differently than others and its okay it doesn't mean I am wrong.

1 comment:

The Proverbs Wife said...

Hello Dawn,

I hope that you had a blessed Thanksgiving. I received your comment regarding ECB's and will post a response on Monday. Have a happy weekend.