Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Our Miracle has ARRIVED!!!

McKenna Jubilee

September 15, 2009

8 lbs 13 oz

21.25 in

McKenna at 1 week old getting ready for bath time.
She was going to her 1st doctor appt.

McKenna (12 days old) and Mom

Dad and McKenna enjoying there favorite passtime: cuddling!

McKenna enjoying the ducks hanging over her swing.
3 or 4 days old.

Big Brother Josiah holding his brand new bundle of joy!
1 day old!

Big Brother Josiah, Big Sister Mia
Baby McKenna
the night she was born or the day after.

McKenna was born at home on Mom and Dad's bed with the help of our wonderful midwife, Colleen. Colleen got to our home at 2:45p.
Checked Mom about 3:10p.
Called Dad at 3:10p to say "Come home, NOW!"
Dad arrived at 3:25p.
McKenna arrived at 3:44p.
Anyone wanting more information on Colleen, midwives in general, homebirth, etc. please feel free to ask.
We don't by any means have all the answers but can share our experience.