We just don't always see it right away. We began our day at 0400 thinking that we were placing Chris on a plane to Michigan. After a curve ball or two and several changes in course we have arrived at a place of peace. I believe we have both grown today. Thank you Lord! You, Lord, have guided us and directed us and kept us on course. You have taught us to go with our gut- not because it knows all but because it heard You and understood your course. Thank you, Lord.
Your son is driving home to Michigan. We both know that this is your plan. We are not second guessing ourselves we are moving forward in faith.
We still don't see your purpose in today's events. But we do see the light for the step we are on. Please bless my sweet husband and our girls and his family this weekend. Have thine own way.
Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: